Concrete actions

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The management plan is the document scheduling the various actions that will be carried out, over 5 or 10 years, to fulfil the objectives (conservation of the natural heritage and welcoming).

At the end of each period, a work of assessment is carried out and allows, according to the results obtained, to set other patrimonial objectives for the next management plan.

During the carrying out of the management plans, a program of follow-ups is put in place in order to evaluate the evolution of species and outstanding habitats. Foreign scientific skills (CRP/CBNBl, GON, naturalist associations…) are also called upon for an inventory or a regular follow up of some groups of species.

The welcoming facilities are built up within our association; a team has been put in place, supervising people entering into the professional life, who, by these means, have the opportunity to be trained to other techniques that are more eco-aware. For instance, we look for local woods or use the wood in-situ to build our facilities. The wood is untreated and it is used raw.

The extensive grazing is widely used. Many conventions made with the local farmers and breeders enable the care of the patchwork of natural environments thanks to a livestock made up of Highland horses and cattle, Shetland horses and sheep, but also Trait-du-Nord horses, Flemish Red cattle and Boulonnais horses.

Eden 62 also has its own livestock :

  • Cattle
    • Highland Cattle (38)
    • Dexter (23)
  • Ponies

    • Highland (29)
    • Shetland (11)
    • Pottok (8)
    • Shetland sheep (75)
  • Goats

    • alpines chamoisées (22)
    • Chèvre-des-fossés (10)

These natural mowers, which are ecological and economical, thus enable on one hand the non-use of thermal machines, often polluting, and on the other hand, a high reduction of the mowing work for the on-site team.

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